Saturday, April 6, 2013

Animoto: Connect The Dots

Animoto is very user-friendly for creating a professional and appealing video. All you need to do is put in photos, music, and words of your choice, and Animoto will combine every ingredient and magically transform it into an awe-inspiring dish. In the past, speaking of making our own video, we were terrified by its tedious and arcane process; however, with Animoto, even a digital novice can feel confident in creating a video that used to be thought of as a professional work.

I think that in the future, “easy but complicated’ is the tenet for all Web 2.0 tools. The tenet means “hot” digital tools must be easy for users to operate, while their final products are complicated and sophisticated. These technologies are so understanding that they allow you to use simple languages but are also able to capture your unspoken ideas in your head and present them. Animoto just does that, which is the reason I like it so much.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

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