Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Podcasting and Vodcasting

Podcasts and vodcasts are really powerful tools to enrich curriculum and accomplish social justice in education. You cannot help but come up with various ideas to engage children with them. Educators now are able to get rid of the monotonous ways of teaching with the addition of audio and visual impacts. Students with disability can have access to educational resources from a local place to the whole world, which are not limited to written forms anymore. The power of educational technology is that students are not given the same things, but they can get as much as they want from the Net so that those who lag behind in the first place can catch up and have an equal opportunity to become successful in school and, later, in their lives.

Another important notion about podcasting and vocasting is that they challenge traditional definition of literacy, which used to emphasize on written-linguistic modes of meaning. Are you ready to embrace other modes of literacy practices by your students: audio, visual, and spatial semiotic systems? Are they allowed to submit their homework in various forms so that pluriliteracy practices are affirmed in your class and multiple intelligences are treated as equally valuable?

When knowledge is legitimatized to be displayed only in certain form, it automatically becomes hegemony suppressing other ways of understanding this world, which, in return, strips certain groups of people of their right to participate in knowledge production.   
Video streaming by Ustream


  1. I like this. But do you think this is effective enough comparing to traditional face-to-face teaching?

    will the students absorb the information/knowledge efficiently?


    1. Hi Lavinia,

      We do not need to choose between digital classroom or traditional classroom. It would be better to integrate technology into face-to-face teaching. I think students will benefit more from the mixture of virtual and actual curriculum.
