Monday, March 4, 2013


Good news for auditory and visual learners. Glogster now offers students an opportunity to create interactive posters, Glogs, with multimedia objects embedded. Creativity is a quality we would like to see from our students, and it needs time and corresponding activities to cultivate. Glogster is a good place for students to demonstrate their creativity and learn how to condense their thoughts into a poster. Like most digital tools, Glogster allows children to share their Glogs with others on the Net, which helps them gain a sense of achievement and authorship. You can assign your students to work on a poster together, and they can contribute to this project according to their talents. Some are responsible for text, others take care of the image part, and still others deal with audio and video. Glogster helps children learn to express themselves through multiples modes, broadening their communication skills.

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