Saturday, March 2, 2013

Taiwan (Prezi/Simplified Version)

Prezi is appealing to students due to its sound, visual, and spatial effects, which PowerPoint lacks. In addition, Prezi allows collaborative efforts among participants; they can work on the same Prezi on the Net in any place without meeting in person, which is the power of Prezi: co-creating beyond the constraint of time and space. Another advantage of Prezi is that you can share your works with others and grant permission to them to build on your project. Therefore, through sharing, new ideas will continue to emerge; students are motivated and trained to present their concepts through multiple modes to catch audience’s attention.

Prezi is very user-friendly, though it looks very fancy; it does not require advanced computer skills and knowledge from you. All you need to do is to watch a tutorial video first and then mess with your Prezi: copy, move, paste, type, retrieve links, etc. Play for longer time, and you will come to know how to make your Prezi distinctive and professional. However, beware of the dizziness your audience may feel if your Prezi involves too many visual impacts and does not afford their eyes any break at all.


  1. Hi!

    It looks that you are very proud of your contry..that's awesome :) and I can understand perfectly because I feel the same thing when talking of thinking of Monterrey. Although Mexico is nowadays a place most people do not want to go, nobody can deby that it is a beautiful country! I am so proud of Mexico too.
    It caught my attention you have stores with 24 hours service, that is great! In Mexico, because of the cartel's war, some of the stores are still working, they close no later than 10 pm.
    I liked your video and I hope really you invite me to Taiwan, I want to go but please, do not give that thing you said it smells so bad okay?
    Thanks for share information from your city.

    1. Hi Cecilia,

      Sure. I would like to invite you to my country. I can take you to many good places only locals know. Taiwanese cuisine is very delicious; I can take you to try many delicious meals other than stinky tofu. Yes, I am very proud of my country. Taiwan is a very important part of my identity. By the way, I would like to go to Mexico and learn Spanish. You know that.

  2. What a great presentation! I really loved the way you gave me a sense of your home. Beautiful!
