Saturday, March 16, 2013

Use Social Networking in Your Class

Three ways to use social networking in class? Here are some ideas:
1. Facebook: I would like to ask my students to create a facebook
page featuring their favorite character; then, they will sign in Facebook to
create a new identity and try to fill in their page with pictures, audio
clips, videos, and any links related to this character. They need to
comment on their classmates’ pages as well.
2. Twitter: Group students according to their interests and have them
decide a topic they want to research on in their interested area. Then,
follow a famous figure in this field on Twitter. Last, present what they
have learned from this person’s tweets in front of class.

3. Twitter: Ask students to report a piece of news related to social
justice in their life every day to learn how journalists report news in
concise words.  

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